
Tools we use: Curator for Elasticsearch

Relying on great tools is essential to small teams like Postmark where we need to balance maintaining our infrastructure and creating new features. Infrastructure tooling creates a foundation that gives us the time and confidence to push Postmark forward to add more value for our customers.

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DMARC: Handling unknown sources

Our latest push for DMARC support has been a huge success. Once we get through I’ll publish the results. So far I’ve been handling some of the more in depth questions about DMARC in support.

The number one question I get is: What should I do with unknown/threats in reports?

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MessageEvents: Every message event in one API call

In July, we added Delivery Confirmations to the details activity screen of email messages. This allowed users to see, with certainty, that messages were actually being delivered to recipient email servers. The task we were trying to accomplish was to give even more transparency to the life-cycle of the message. Even if the message was marked as “Sent” in Postmark, it may not have reached the recipient immediately for a variety of reasons.

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