
A/B testing email service providers

Sometimes, low engagement with your emails is more a symptom of poor delivery than problems with the emails themselves. A recipient can't open or click on an email they never receive. So next time you're evaluating engagement rates, don't rule out the fact that poor delivery by your ESP could be the real root of your problems.

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Monitoring your email delivery and reputation

Just like any other piece of infrastructure, your application's transactional email can always benefit from additional layers of monitoring. Whether monitoring DNS to prevent configuration errors or monitoring delivery and reputation to ensure emails aren't gong to spam, there's several things you can do to stay ahead of the game.

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Why we no longer ask for SPF records

Last month we released a big update to the email authentication workflow for domains. The main goal of the update was to encourage more people to set up email authentication (like custom Return-Paths and DKIM) by making the process easier. As part of this update, we removed the requirement to add an SPF record for your domain. We wanted to explain why and how we were able to do this.

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Syntax highlighting code samples in HTML emails

Including nicely formatted code samples in emails can be difficult. With inline CSS, it can be incredibly tedious to manually style code and ensure that it will work across email clients. MailBrush makes it easy for you to add syntax highlighting to code samples so you can include them in emails.

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