
How to use Postmark as your SMTP email provider with Mastodon

Email plays a crucial role when running a Mastodon instance. For example, users will receive their signup confirmations or password reset links via email—and you need an SMTP server, because if those messages don’t make it to the inbox, your users will be stuck! We don’t want that to happen. And folks will want to know about new followers, too! You’ll have to make sure your Mastodon instance can send these emails fast and reliably—and you’ll need an SMTP server to make that happen.

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Experimentation weeks: How serving our support team leads to a better customer experience

Great support is a core part of what makes Postmark valuable—and because our team of email experts are talking to customers every day, they have the deepest insights about how we can improve the Postmark experience. Read about the influence Postmark support has on our product and the recent improvements we delivered in response to their ideas.

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