Mailcoach is an email marketing platform. They allow you to get up and running quickly by using their own mailer or you can choose to self-host. With list management, automations, drip campaigns, and a slick UI, Mailcoach offers a solid set of email marketing functionality. And when you host and run it yourself, you have full control over the level of privacy for your subscribers. It’s also more affordable than comparable out-of-the-box solutions.

If you choose to self-host, Mailcoach offers a marketer-friendly front-end and after plugging in Postmark, you’ve got a powerful email marketing solution that’s easy to use and gets your emails delivered fast and reliably.
Learn more #
- Check out the Mailcoach website
- Read Mailcoach's documentation about how to integrate with Postmark
- Learn how Freddy Feedback uses Postmark and Mailcoach together