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Email delivery issues are no longer a concern for Best Local Reviews

Email delivery issues are no longer a concern for Best Local Reviews

  • Customer since 2018
  • Postmark features
    • Delivery
    • Open Tracking
    • Bounce Handling

When Google started allowing people to write reviews for businesses, the team behind Best Local Reviews saw the opportunity to expand its customers’ reach by helping them create a positive online reputation on popular review sites. Best Local Reviews makes it easy for happy customers to write reviews on Google, Facebook, and dozens of other sites. The system is customer service oriented and effective at getting genuine reviews and generating referrals for its customers.

Delivery problems no more

"Before moving to Postmark, we constantly had to respond to customers wondering why an email was delivered to the spam box or why it took so long to be delivered. It was embarrassing and made us look like we didn't know what we were doing. You should never have to wait for or search spam boxes for a password reset or welcome email!

This wasn't unique to just one or two providers. We attempted to use six other email services before we found Postmark. All of the other services had the same issues. If you have to regularly check your email service's IP address against known blacklists, you’re in for serious headaches.

Enter Postmark. We hesitantly made the switch to Postmark as we had been burned so many times before. We moved different types of transactional emails to the platform and began carefully watching for the results."

Without a hitch, every single email type we moved to Postmark simply stopped having problems. All emails were being delivered to the inbox instantly.

"After a few weeks, we moved the rest of our transactional emails to Postmark, and responding to email issues changed from being a daily issue to something we almost never think about.

Currently, we use Postmark for all outgoing transactional email. We also utilize the bounce, spam complaint, and open webhooks to notify our own customers of deliverability issues. This has drastically cut down on the number of tickets asking why an email wasn't received."

Having emails reach the inbox or having to wait for a message to be delivered is no longer a problem. Postmark does all the heavy lifting and we get to look really smart.

Why choose Postmark

"We contacted support when we first learned about Postmark to ask about the different emails that we were sending and to find out if they were considered transactional."

The level of support, care, and detail provided for what we were asking were unlike anything we had experienced with other providers. At that point, we knew we had to work with Postmark.

"I have always been confident in my recommendations to friends and colleagues in using Postmark and look forward to utilizing and recommending any new service they provide. Knowing the reliability and level of support provided makes it exciting to design new features around any service Postmark offers."

Ready to get started?

Join thousands of businesses that already trust their email delivery to Postmark.