Feature announcement: more useful weekly account digests
We know from our open rates and follow-up questions that users rely heavily on the information in the email we send every Monday morning with statistics of selected servers. These weekly digest emails have always been useful, but we knew they could be better. So starting next week, you’ll see a new design and some additional information to help you manage your account better.
Here’s an overview of the changes and additions.
Outbound/Inbound Stat Summaries #
Sends, bounces, and spam complaint totals will now be displayed side-by-side so it’s easier to get a quick overview of the health of your outbound activity. We color code the stats to help you visually identify problems, and we’ll also display an additional warning message if the server has a high spam rate.

Parsed and failed inbound totals now look similar to the outbound stats, and will also show a list of recent failures.

Bounces #
The bounce section now features a color-coded bar which helps to visually identify which types of bounces are happening most frequently.

Deliverability Recommendations #
We’re most excited about this one. The weekly digests now features a deliverability recommendations checklist. The goal of this section is to provide you with a simple, actionable list of tasks you can complete to improve the delivery of your emails.
This list differentiates between urgent actions like investigating a high bounce or spam rate, and best practices like setting up DKIM or Return-Path.

News & Updates #
Finally, we will now display both recent blog posts and product updates at the bottom of the email. This will help to highlight those smaller improvements that we make to Postmark that don’t warrant a full blog post.

If you don’t currently receive weekly digests for your servers, head over to the profile section of your account, and turn them on! As always, we look forward to hearing your feedback.