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A little care package for PHP developers | Postmark

A little care package for PHP developers

As you’ve seen over the last couple of months, we’ve been pushing to improve our libraries on the major platforms you use. Today, we have a little treat for those of you sending email from PHP applications, but don’t need all the features the provides.

As you probably know, Swiftmailer is the de facto standard for sending complex emails from PHP. We’re pleased to announce that we now provide an official transport for Swiftmailer that you can use to send email through Postmark.

For most people using Swiftmailer, the Postmark Transport will require only a few lines of code to change, and you can start benefiting from our awesome deliverability rates, tracking, and bounce handling.

Oh, and we’ve also included an adapter for making it easier than ever to integrate into your Application.

So fire up that terminal and install into your latest creations:

composer require wildbit/swiftmailer-postmar

As always, we’d love to hear from you about the platforms and frameworks where you’d like see deeper integrations. Lastly, your feedback (and Pull Requests) help tremendously, so keep it coming!

Andrew Theken

Andrew Theken

Dominator of board games, avid reader, and public library advocate.